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Two Ways: The Kimberley Rock Art Legacy Documentary

Two Ways: The Kimberley Rock Art Legacy is a fascinating documentary set in the world-renowned rock art galleries of the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

The 45-minute documentary by filmmaker Mark Jones is a visually captivating way to share the outcomes of Australia’s largest rock art dating project through interviews, and contemporary and archival footage.

Guided by Kwini Elder Augustine ‘Boornoornoor’ Unangho, the film highlights the collaboration between scientists and one of the world’s oldest continuous cultures, the Balanggarra people.

It showcases a blend of science and traditional wisdom, revealing the enduring narratives of art, climate change, and human resilience spanning at least 50,000 years.

After successful screenings in Melbourne and Perth in 2024, we are looking forward to screening Two Ways in venues around Australia in 2025.

The Rock Art Dating Project

The Rock Art Dating Project applied new knowledge of complex processes on sandstone surfaces across the north Kimberley and used an innovative combination of four scientific dating methods developed in the earlier work. All work was conducted in partnership with the Balanggarra Aboriginal Corporation.

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