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Rock Art Australia is a not for profit organisation dedicated to researching and protecting Kimberley rock art by bringing science and Aboriginal cultural knowledge together.

We promote the study of the art and its context to understand the history of Australia and its significance in the global narrative of human origins.

Founded in 1988, Rock Art Australia has been funding academic research in the Kimberley with leading scientists from multiple universities since 2007. The Ian Potter Foundation gave us our first significant grant that year to advance a Kimberley Regional Human and Environmental History Program. Since then we have supported a broad range of scientists from the fields of archaeology, geology, palynology, climatology, geochronology, geochemistry and archaeological science to work in partnership with Aboriginal communities. Rock Art Australia itself does not undertake research.

Our current research portfolio, including the two Chairs, totals $14 Million.


Our Strategies

  • Work in partnership with Aboriginal people
  • Continue the Kimberley Foundation Australia’s research in the Kimberley
  • Initiate and support integrated, multi-disciplinary scientific research as well as Indigenous knowledge to interpret and understand Australia’s rock art in its context
  • Fundraise to support Rock Art Australia’s objectives
  • Promote and disseminate research findings
  • Support conservation, preservation, and protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage

Our Values

We recognise that the cultural perspective and knowledge of Aboriginal people is fundamental to our work.

We believe:

  • The study of Kimberley rock art is fundamental to understanding Australia’s history and the global narrative of human origins.
  • It is an Aboriginal story for all Australians.
  • In the honest reporting of scientific findings.
  • In the significance of the ancient connection between Aboriginal people and country.
  • Kimberley rock art should be protected.